Sunday, June 16, 2013

some tasty pickles for your taste

Lemon and green chillies pickle with ginger:

Lemon medium size 5,
green chillies 25 numbers,
ginger chopped and cut into pieces one small cup,
turmeric powder one tea spoon,
Asafoetida powder half tea spoon,
Methi seeds 2 teaspoons,

 for tempering
 gingley oil one small cup,
mustard seeds one teaspoon.
 salt one tablespoon full.

cut lemon into pieces, add the cut pieces of ginger and cut the green chilles into four pieces. add them also. Now add turmeic powder, salt, asafoetida powder, and methi seeds. put them all in a bowl and keep them aside. Mix them well for 2 or three days.  after the lemon become soft, boil gingley oil and add mustard seed.  allow it to cool and add them in the pickle. Your pickle is ready to use.

Stuffed Green Chillies Pickle

Green chilles  25 to 30,
3 table spoon dhania,
one tea sopoon fenugreek seeds(methi),
one table spoon fennel seeds(saunf) mustard seeds,
asafoetida powder one tea spoon,
salt to taste or one table spoon,
 mango powder(amchur) two tea spoon,
turmeric powder 1/2 tea spoon,
vinegar one table spoon.
cooking oil or gingley oil according to preference

wash the chillies and cut a vertical slit lengthwise(each one)

grind coriander seeds, fenugreek seeds  coarsely. add salt and mango powder and turmeric powder to the ground spices and mix well. Now heat the oil till it is quite hot and pour the oil over the dried mixture and mix well.  Now add salt and vinegar to the mixture. stuff the chillies with the spicy mixture using a spoon. put them in a jar for 2 days. put it in the sunlight if it is possible. Then refrigerate the picke and use them.

vegetable pickle with chilles:

chilles 30,
carrot one or two medium size,
mango one number,
lemon 3 to five numbers.
sugar one table spoon,
one table spoon Red chilly powder,
turmeric powder one teaspoon,
asafoetida 1/2 tea spoon,
salt one table spoon.
vinegar one table spoon.
 methi seeds two tea spoon,
mustard powder two tea spoon.
cooking oil one small cup.

cut all the ingredients and mix them.  add sugar, chilly powder, turmeric powder, asafoetida, salt, mustard powder and methi seeds. Mix them well. and put aside for a day. Next day mix them all and heat oil in a pan and allow it to cool and pour over the pickle. allow it to mix well for half an hour and add vinegar.  put them in a jar and refrigerate them.


ginger morabba

ginger cut pieces 2 cups.  sugar 4 cups, water to make syrup.

add water to sugar and allow it to become one string syrup.  add the cut ginger pieces and boil it for 5 minutes. remove it from the fire and allow it to cool.  put the mixture in a bottle. and refrigerate it if necessary.  It is very much useful for stomach problems.

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